Small Animals Bailenger-System
Diagnostic sedimentation kit for examining the faeces for parasites in small animals. This kit contains the formalin-free transport and processing medium “Bailenger”.
The optimal sensitivity results in the highest hit rates for all larvae, protozoa and worm eggs. The standardized and thus reproducible examination technology developed by Biosepar works without dead spaces, the direct, active fine filtering takes place in a vertical direction and therefore without loss. The ParasiTrap® system also processes difficult and hard sample material reliably and is therefore suitable for optimal detection of low parasite infestation.
No other diagnostic system on the market fulfills these very important requirements.
The faecal material removed in Bailenger’s medium must be kept refrigerated after removal until it is processed. Processing in the laboratory then takes place directly, without any loss of material or parasites.
Bailenger Complete System
Inhalt des Kits:
10/50 Processing tubes I filled with Medium A FixSepar® Bailenger
10/50 Processing tubes II with integrated filtersystem
10/50 Sample spoons
10/50 Screw caps
10/50 Pipettes
10/50 Cotton wool sticks
1 15/75 ml Combi Medium in brown glass bottle
1 Brown glass bottle with graduated dropper
Order no.:
10 pcs./box: 7488 Bailenger-10
50 pcs./box: 7488 Bailenger-50
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